Since guinea pigs aren’t like dogs and cats, it might be challenging to discover activities that are suitable for them. However, because these pets are so curious, adventurous, and passionate about food, it is simple to inspire them. Of course, each one is unique, and some may be more enthusiastic about learning new things than others, but in general, guinea pigs like experimenting with new things as long as they are suitable for them. If your guinea pig isn’t in the mood to play, they’ll just ignore you, so it’s rather simple to determine whether they are. Here are some games that I like to play with my guinea pig, Tubby!
Guinea Pig Game #1
Put some veggies, dill, or parsley under a platform or their home for a really simple game. Your guinea pigs must search for food and use effort to reach it. They appreciate small activities like this because they combine their love of food with exploration.

Guinea Pig Game #2
Fill an old sack with hay and hide forage or vegetable pieces inside. If you have two guinea pigs, make sure the old bag has two exits so they don’t fight. Piggies adore anything that smells like hay and they love dark places to hide. It’s adorable to watch guinea pigs like Tubby play that game since he also enjoys digging.
Guinea Pig Game #3
Allow your guinea pigs to work for their food by hanging a treat in their cage. They’ll also need to learn how to get the treat out of the area over their heads.
Guinea Pig Game #4
A number of tunnels should inspire even the most unmotivated guinea pig. Build a little playground with the tunnels. Guinea pigs appear to feel the urge to enter whatever tunnel they come across, and what’s better than one tunnel–many tunnels, of course. We didn’t have a tunnel so we used a sparkling water container for Tubby to hide in.

Guinea Pig Game #5
Another relatively simple activity is to let your guinea pigs climb on you while hiding pieces of veggies on your hands or legs. You may train them to place their paws on your palm when they’re still a little timid so they won’t have to come out of their cage. They’re going to crawl all over you once they feel more at ease.
I Love Guinea Pigs, Especially Tubby
I hope you enjoyed reading these tips on some games that I like to play with “my” guinea pig, Tubby. If you want to see more pictures of Tubby, follow my Instagram and look at the Tubby highlights! If you want to see where Tubby lives full-time, check out my boyfriend’s apartment in Pittsburgh!